Autocracy Inaugurated
Tomorrow in the US is Autocracy Inauguration day where the USA takes its place in the world alongside Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia and others.
Autocracy Inaugurated
Tomorrow in the US is Autocracy Inauguration day where the USA takes its place in the world alongside Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia and others.
Exclude his image
Anyone who is able to make a social media app so that any news article that includes a photograph of the Convicted Felon excludes his image should be given the...
Exclude his image
Anyone who is able to make a social media app so that any news article that includes a photograph of the Convicted Felon excludes his image should be given the...
Tuned out
My radio generally tuned into music stations will be turned off Monday as there is always a news bulletin on the hour and I don’t want to hear any cheery...
Tuned out
My radio generally tuned into music stations will be turned off Monday as there is always a news bulletin on the hour and I don’t want to hear any cheery...
I’m doubtful there will be mass tariffs, or mass deportations rather targeted tariffs, targeted deportations - you donate to him you will get exemption. If not you will receive the...
I’m doubtful there will be mass tariffs, or mass deportations rather targeted tariffs, targeted deportations - you donate to him you will get exemption. If not you will receive the...
Pluto’s media
The greater problem with both legacy and social media is not censorship but ownership - most media consumed is owned by the very wealthy and powerful and reflects their plutocratic...
Pluto’s media
The greater problem with both legacy and social media is not censorship but ownership - most media consumed is owned by the very wealthy and powerful and reflects their plutocratic...